How to Install Video filters!
How To Install Video Filters
- Click the download link on your email, this will take you to page where your download will be ready.
- Click download now. Only click once and DO NOT refresh your browser.
- This will download a .zip file containing your chosen filters.
- Click the .zip file to “unzip” If your phone does not do this then you can use a free unzip app.
- Once unzipped Open again to reveal all 6 video filters.
- DOWNLOAD an app where you can use LUTS/Cubes for video filters - there is a lot of these available but my fave is 24FPS (from the app store) this is free and means you can save the video filters very easily and also you can adjust the strength - I will go into more detail on the video tutorial on how I use it!
- OPEN your chosen video filter house - ie mine is 24FPS.
- Click on the bottom right coloured circles icon and then click the (+) top right corner and then import LUT file (.cube).
- Find the LUTs/cubes in your downloads folder they will be individually named ie “Soho 1 LUT.cube”
- Click to add and voila! you have your first one ready to use!
You will need to do this for each one!
- I have put mine into my own pack on this app for ease of use and organisation but this is optional!
AND that’s it! Just repeat these steps for each pack. Happy editing guys! Can’t wait to see and repost your videos!
- I use a MAC + Final cut pro to edit my videos.
- DOWNLOAD files as above.
- Then on final cut pro I use mLut by motionVFX to house my LUTs on my software - this one I have found to be the easiest to use plus you can adjust the strength of the filters straight on your software AND its free but of course use which ever LUTs add-on you like. The one I use,mlut-plugin,p1949.html
This website has got a lot of great effects on it too and I have used many in the past.
- Once you have your chosen software you literally just apply the video filters.
File format is LUTs/cube so please make sure you are good to use these before purchasing.